Quadra Bikes Quadra Bikes 30 days of pedal power

The Challenge

QUADRA BIKES will begin on May 25th (at Quadra's May Day!) and go until June 26th. Its aim is to encourage people of all ages and abilities to ride their bikes. If your bike has been collecting dust at the back of the garage for the last 5 years, it is a call to dig it out and ride to the neighbors, the store or workplace a few times a week. If you're already a committed cycling commuter, the challenge is to go car free; perhaps for a few days, a week, or even the whole month.

Kick off is at the Quadra Island May Day parade. This year's parade theme is 'The Groovy 70s' so get that sparkly velour suit out of the attic, slap on the banana seat and handlebar tassels and join us with your bike in this years parade - May 25th at Rebecca Spit.

Quadra Transition
Discovery Islander
April Point
Island Cycle
Naked Bikes
Quadra Builders
Quadra Island Kayaks
Quadra Golf
Spirit of the West Adventures