About Quadra Island
Quadra Island is the largest and most populous of the Discovery Islands. Quadra Island is located between Vancouver Island and the mainland coast of British Columbia, along the famous Inside Passage waterway to Alaska on Canada's west coast. Quadra is home to a lively community of 2700 year round residents and is a popular destination for visitors from around the world who come for the island's scenic beauty and incredible recreation opportiunities.

one of Quadra Island's popular hiking trails
Campbell River on Vancouver Island is the closest large community (35,000 residents) and port of departure for the 10 minute regular ferry to Quadra Island. Click here for the ferry schedule. Regular ferry service also departs from Heriot Bay, Quadra Island on the 40 minute breathtaking ride to nearby Cortes Island. Click here for the schedule to Cortes Island.
There are three main villages on Quadra Island. Cape Mudge (Yaculta) home to the We Wai Kai band of the Laichwiltach People, part of the Kwa' Kwa' Ka' Wa'Kw First Nation, Quathiaski Cove most populous of the three and the island's commercial hub, and Heriot Bay picturesque gateway to the Discovery Islands & mainland inlets.
Quadra's people enjoy a rural lifestyle surrounded by breathtaking coastal scenery and a clean unspoilt environment. The First Nations residents and global migrants together create a harmonious community rich in art and culture. The diversity of people, professions, lifestyles and pastimes is what makes Quadra Island a truly great place to live or visit.
The community is small and tight-knit but warmly welcomes visitors all year-round. We have a full range of services available locally and in nearby Campbell River. On Quadra there is a bank, several ATMs, auto and marine repair services, a gas station (but no automotive diesel), marine gas and diesel, cafes, restaurants, a full range of accommodation, library, medical clinic, pharmacy, book store, groceries, an elementary school, childcare, RCMP detachment, real estate agents, hardware store, adventure tour operators, a winery and much, much more.
For answers to some frequently asked questions check the FAQ page, read about our history.
For other information about Quadra Island, Cortes Island and the Outer Discovery Islands and Inlets visit www.discoveryislands.ca
Our regional visitor guide is available online here.