Heriot Bay, Quadra Island
Heriot Bay is the picturesque hub of the east side of Quadra Island, facing the dramatic views of the mainland coast. It is the port of departure for the regualr ferry service to Cortes Island. Crew and freight boats come and go from Heriot Bay to all over the Discovery Islands and Mainland Inlets.
Heriot Bay offers many services for locals and visitors alike including, groceries, liquor, post office, a library, craft shop, a Government Wharf, boat & kayak rentals, there's accommodation at resorts, b&bs and campgrounds, some camping & boating supplies and is also home to the local branch of the Canadian Legion.
The main road to the north of Quadra Island leaves from Heriot Bay. Granite Bay, Bold Point, Surge Narrows, Walcan, Main Lakes Chain, Open Bay, Village Bay Lake and many of the hiking trails that criss-cross the upper end of the island are all accessible north of 'the Bay'.
The historic Heriot Bay Inn has stood in various forms for over one hundred years and continues its rich traditions of good times and helping tie the community. The Inn has live music weekly and has a pub, dining room, accommodation and full service marina.
A recent initiative is the development of a Community Garden where private land has been generously been made available for a co-operative explosion of horticulture and agriculture.
Truly Heriot Bay is one of the most delightful and picturesque villages in British Columbia.
Beautiful views such as the one in the image below can be seen from cheap flights on seaplanes, and other aircraft tours. An experience such as this isn't to be missed, the views of mountains and islands you see in pictures such as this simply can't compare to flying over this majestic region of Canada in person.