Fairs and Festivals on Quadra Island
Quadra Island has a fantastic calendar of annual events engaging locals and visitors alike in a dazzling display of talent and entertainment. Check out the listings and dates of this year's line up.

Quadra Island May Day
May Day has been celebrated on Quadra Island for over 100 years! The event is an annual highlight and a focus for the entire community. The proceedings usually begin with a parade along Rebecca Spit at 10 am and then everyone gathers at the main field on Rebecca Spit for the crowning of the May Queen, acknowledgment of community groups in the May Day dedication, May Pole dancing and sports.
For more information contact the Quadra Island Recreation Society

Quadra Island Studio Tour
The Quadra Island Studio Tour begins with a much anticipated opening event on the first weekend ofJune. Enjoy a glimpse into the working studios of Quadra Island’s creative community. See sculpture, pottery, photography, printmaking, painting and more and an opportunity to meet the talented individuals who create the artwork. A group exhibition in the Community Centre features all of the participants, and visitors can stop in for refreshments and to browse through the displays there.
Tickets can be purchased from: Inspirations
Quadra Island Festival of Chamber Music

The annual Quadra Island Festival of Chamber Music includes a Family afternoon concert at the Quadra Community Centre on July 21st. as well as three evening concerts and one at Sunday lunchtime.. Our venues this year are the Quadra Community Centre, The Stonehouse, South End Winery and the Cape Mudge United Church. Our musicians are under the direction of Artistic Director, Philip Hansen, principal cello of the Calgary Symphony, and featuring guest musicians from across North America. Put these dates into your organizers and come out to enjoy top quality music on beautiful Quadra Island. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and at www.quadrafestival.com

This annual weekend long family event takes place at the Quadra Island Community Centre and showcases a huge selection of diverse Canadian artists on multitude different stages.
The festival will be a force of creative inspirations certain to make a memorable experience for all who attend.
This year you can be sure to expect all the live music, painting, characters, puppets, juggling, dancing, crafts, clothes, vendors, food, refreshments and games one could ever hope for on an island in the spectacular setting of the Discovery Islands. September 1-3, 2023
To list your Quadra Island event
email info@quadraisland.ca
with details and a great picture.
No charge for event listings :)