Quadra Island Local Blogs
Quadra Island is home to some amazing, talented and creative people. This is a collection of local blogs gathering stories, ideas and pictures from across the community.

Quadra Island Community Blog
Visit beautiful Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada. Enjoy our charming rural community on a memorable vacation or getaway weekend. Outdoor recreation hiking, kayaking or cycling is as good as it gets. See creative island artists at work and take home a local work for a souvenir. Participate in one of Quadra Island’s annual festivals. It’s simply paradise!

Quadra Real Estate
Bill's daughter Sarah recently joined his team as his office assistant. This is her blog with facts, events and thoughts pertaining to the Quadra Island lifestyle.
Ask me anything

Southend Farm & Vineyards
small farm, too many ideas
"Hello world. It’s rainy and I’m sick. Yay."
So starts one of Quadra's longest running blogs describing the joys and challenges of starting and operating a farm and vineyard on Quadra Island.

Taku Resort
Enjoy reading some of the snapshots of life on Quadra Island and many of the wonderful opportunities to expereince that at Taku Resort.

The Scribes
Jeanette Taylor has an infectious passion for stories. Her blog offers succinct writing craft tips and photo-rich tales about the people of the BC coast, archived by topic. She has worked for many years in the arts and heritage field, and has written four books, including Tidal Passages, a History of the Discovery Islands and The Quadra Story for Harbour Publishing. She leads heritage sites tours, and is a coach and writing instructor for The Scribes Comprehensive Writing Services. See her website at www.thescribes.ca and her blog at www.thescribes.ca/blog/

Wild Isle
Wild Isle is as much an idea as it is a business. The idea part is the personal drive I have to visit and explore as much of Vancouver Island and the BC coast as possible. And there’s a business side to this too. My friends often remark that I’ve done a pretty good job of blending my passions with my work. How so? Well work for me is pretty diverse but it typically hinges on some combination of: publishing, photography, hiking, boating, climbing, writing, promoting, guiding and educating...
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