Taku Resort, accommodation on Quadra Island, BC

Sportfishing around Quadra Island, BC
Photo: Salmon fishing near Quadra Island, BC
Renée Stone real estate on Quadra Island
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Coast Mountain Expeditions
Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada

Sportfishing Quadra Island

salmon fishing around Quadra Island

Salmon fishing is legendary around Quadra Island and nearby Campbell River. For decades Campbell River sold it's world-class fishing experiences as the 'Salmon Capital of the World'. In recent decades fish stocks have fallen from over-fishing and habitat loss and risen as the effects of careful stewarsdship and conservation are realized. As part of the mysteries of fish each year brings the promise of glorious runs of silver-streaked salmon returning to the BC coast.

Through careful management there have been some good runs in recent years particularly the Chinook (spring), Pink salmon and even Sockeye.

Wild coho are closed to fishing in the Campbell River area. Sockeye openings are announced if and when they are permitted. For a complete look at fishery openings and closures visit the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans web site for details.

Local guides offer daily fishing charters to the hot spots and lodges have accommodation and fishing packages. Inquire with the properties directly for details.

There's no greater thrill than 'locking' into a Tyee salmon and playing one of these magnificent fish.

Protected Waters Charters

Protected Water Charters


Are you looking for great salmon fishing, easy access & calm waters all within a wilderness setting? Fishing from a stable 21 foot Boston Whaler Revenge, we will explore the Discovery Islands ranging from Johnstone Strait to Quadra Island & the Outer Islands & Bute Inlet. Wherever the salmon fishing is great, the waters calm & the weather the best, you'll find Protected Waters Charters.

Based on your fishing desires & expectations we will choose a time, location & style that best fits you or your team's needs. From family fishing experiences to experienced anglers targeting the big one, from action on light tackle to exploring remote & exotic corners of our region, we will find the calm water occasion just for you.
Calm seas, beautiful scenery & good company.
For Inquiries call 250-203-9067
or eMail: eliash@telus.net

Fishing off Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada
Kayak with Killer Whales
Spirit of the West Adventures
Discovery Islands Lodge sea kayaking tours and accommodation
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