Education on Quadra Island
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eBlend, offered by School District 72, supports home learning (home schooling) programs. Our goal is to connect home learners, and build relationships within the community and school district. Educators, parents and students collaborate to find the best possible learning experiences for each individual child. Discover the eBlend advantage!
Please contact eBlend at 250-923-4918 Ext. 2231
or visit our web site for more information.
Quadra Children's Centre
web site
A world of action, wonder and adventure awaits your child.
Our centre provides programs that are based on a deep respect for children. We view children as compotent, inventive and resourceful and as partners with us in the learning process. Collaborative relationships are the foundation of our work with the children and their families. Our dynamic environment fosters a sense of well-being and contributes to the learning process. We offer 3 stimulating and nurturing programs for children aged 2-1/2 to 11.
Preschool Program: Full-time, part-time or occasional drop-in is available for families.
Quadra Kids: Our school aged program is available during the school year, including professional development days.
Quadra Kid's Summer Program: Full-time, part-time or occasional drop-in for school age children.
West Road, Quadra Island
Quathiaski Cove BC V0P 1N0
Ph: 250 285-3511 Fx: 250 285-3510
School District 72 Campbell River
School District 72 (Campbell River) is dedicated to the achievement of personal excellence for all members of its learning community. 425 Pinecrest Road Campbell River, B.C. V9W 3P2 PH (250) 830-2300 Fax: (250) 287-2616