Cultural Tours & Attractions
Quadra Island is rich in First Nations' culture and history as well as home to artists and performers who have arrived from all corners of the globe to now reside on Quadra Island.
Quadra Island tour operators offer cultural tours and adventures locally and all over the world, from Chile to the Himalayas
The Nuyumbalees Cultural Centre at Cape Mudge is the centre of First Nations culture on Quadra Island. Since its inception, the Nuyumbalees Society has been committed to the care and preservation of the Potlatch Collection and to the Revitalization of the Kwa'Kwa'Ka' Wa'Kw Language, Culture and Traditions through Cultural Education Programs.
The Cultural Centre was closed several years ago for the completion of major renovations and reopened on May 13, 2007. The Kikasuw that you will see exhibited in the Nuyumbalees Cultural Centre have been returned from the National Museum of Man in Ottawa, the Royal Ontario Museum, and the Heye Foundation, the National Museum of the American Indian, New York.
There are several Petroglyphs outside the Cultural Centre which were moved from their original location to preserve and protect them. There are also petroglyphs on the waterfront near the Ah-Wah-qwa-dzas across the street.
Make a Petroglyph Rubbing in the Lower Gallery. Fibreglass Casts were taken of the petroglyphs and these are located in the Lower Gallery of the Cultural Centre for your convenience. Inquire locally for opening times or visit their web site.
See Also: Cape Mudge, Artists, Artisans and Crafts, Galleries & Studios