Quadra Island Community Groups
There are many dedicated volunteer groups working in every aspect of our community. Together they make Quadra Island a safer, happier, healthier and more interesting place to live. Here are some of the groups whose hard work deserves support and respect.

As a Quadra Circle program, we match volunteers with opportunities to help in all community groups and provide information about services and resources on Quadra and elsewhere. Volunteering at Quadra Elementary School is our special inter-generational project in which adults and children share skills and have fun together.
Let us help you connect. Drop in to our office at the Cove Centre Wednesday – Saturday, 11am-3pm. Call 285-2255.
Discovery Islands
Chamber of Commerce
The Discovery Islands Chamber of Commerce serves the businesses of the Discovery Islands as a forum to discuss local and braoder issues, provide support for local initiatives and support.
As a member of the BC Chamber of Commerce the DICC offers members access to a variety of benefits like preferable insurance rates, health coverage etc...
For more information visit our web site>
Discovery Islands
Emergency Preparedness
The Discovery Islands Emergency Preparedness Association provides information, resources and encourages Emergency Preparedness in our community.
We have several important initiatives such as a hamradio group support for local volunteer fire departments.
For more information and to keep in touch find us on Facebook>
Discovery Islands
Ecosystem Mapping
The Discovery Islands Ecosystem Mapping (DIEM) Project is creating ecosystem maps to provide a comprehensive visual reference that local communities, governments, and land managers can use to better understand the area and enlighten discussions about resources and development.
For more information visit our web site>

Quadra Circle
We are a non-profit organization of Islanders who aim to enrich our community, our own lives, and especially the lives of seniors, though social, educational and service activities: Friday Lunch, Quadra Home Meals,Transportation, Seniors Outreach, Housing Initiative and more.
We invite you to join us!
Contact Karen: 285-3064, Mary: 285-3084
With assistance from: Coastal Community Credit Union, Gowlland Harbour Resort,
Quadra Recreation Society, Strathcona Regional District
Quadra Cat Rescue
Call Quadra Cat Rescue for reduced-rate spays and neuters. Save money, and help reduce the homeless cat population.
View our already-fixed and vaccinated cats and kittens for adoption at www.quadracats.com. The adoption fee is far less than the $500 it will cost to get the same services for a "free" kitten.
Volunteers are needed to help trap, transport and provide temporary foster homes.
Contact us: 250-285-CATS (2287)
eMail: quadracatrescue@yahoo.com.
Quadra Singers
Sing, laugh and learn with Quadra Singers, the island's community choir. All voices and all levels of singing ability are welcome. It’s not even necessary to know how to read music!
There's a modest fee to cover costs each session, and special rates are available for family members. Learn more about Quadra Singers on the choir’s Facebook page. Or contact the choir
Ph: 250-285-2393
email quadrasingers@gmail.com