Mountain Biking on Quadra Island
Local riders refer to two types of backcountry rides: trails and routes. Trails are purpose built hiking and biking paths which are sanctioned by the British Columbia Ministry of Forests and/or BC Parks, These trails are maintained by local volunteers and overseen by the Quadra Island Trails Committee. A map of Quadra Island trails is available locally with proceeds going toward the trail committee's work. There is a high likliehood you will encounter hikers on any of the trails at any time and bikes should yield to foot traffic or proceed as directed by the walkers. Take care on blind corners.
Routes are rough, unmaintained suggested lines of travel which may be as prominent as an old logging road or as indistinct as a line of flagging tape through the bush. These routes are not sanctioned by any government agency or the Quadra Island Trails Committee and should be used only by experienced hikers and bikers familiar with navigating in backcountry situations. Take note of this distinction on the map below by using the legend which describes the symbols used for trails, routes and old roads.
Whether on a trail or a backcountry route always ride responsibly yielding as required to other users and take special care not to ride through streams, creeks and rivers. Use bridges where provided or seek out log jams to cross without impacting the riverbeds or banks. There is sensitive salmon habitat all over Quadra with a great deal of time and effort going toward rehabilitation of habitat and restoration of fish stocks. Please respect these local efforts and ride with great care around water courses of any type.
No A.T.V.s, other vehicles or horses are permitted in Quadra's provincial parks and they are discouraged on all hiking and biking trails. Check with local riders for appropriate locations to drive your machine, if you have to bring it to Quadra at all.

1 - Lighthouse Trail
2 - Kay Dubois trail
3 - Haskin Farm trail
4 - Community Centre trails
5 - Geneva Trail
6 -Bite the Bullet
7 - Cash Only
8 - Yellow Mud
9 - Jack Rabbit
10 - Morte Ridge trails
11 - Morte Lake Circuit
12 - Maud Island
13 - Dead Fish
14 - Shotgun
15 - Back Seat Driver
16 - Nugedzi Lake
17 - Mount Seymour
18 - Shelalligan Pass
19 - Vic’s Marsh/Moses’ Meadow
20 - Open Bay Main - Vic’s Connector
21 - Stramberg Big Tree trail
22 - Mount Seymour North
23 - Deepwater Bay Road
24 - Yeatman Bay portage
25 - Surge Narrows
26 - Clear Lake route
27- Newton Lake/Small Inlet trail