Taku Resort, accommodation on Quadra Island, BC

Photo: Circling Vultures, Manzanita Wall
Renée Stone real estate on Quadra Island
Heriot Bay Inn - pub, marina, RV park Quadra Island BCQuadra Island Kayaks, sea kayak tours and rentals Quadra Island BC'
Coast Mountain Expeditions
Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada

Rock Climbing around Quadra Island

seaside crags and mountainside walls

Guidebook Corrections, Updates & New Routes

Following are new routes and other updates & improvements to the 5th Edition (2024) of Quadra Island Rock Climbs>

Last Updated 20 June, 2024

A new, updated edition of the Quadra Island Rock Climbs guidebook is in production. Anticipated release: mid-June 2024

Corrections/amendments to 5th edition (2024) guidebook highlighted in red.


Page 17: references to 'Gemini Walls' should say "FuLuShou Crags".

Yardarm Bluff

Page 89: Green top-rope icon for 'OY' should be blue, it has been bolted for leading,

GPS Trax> for the crag access paths.

Support Route Development

Donations of bolts & hangers are very welcome to support the development of this very promising climbing area. A donation of $100 will buy 12 bolts + hangers and belay anchors, enough to equip one average route, but any contribution is appreciated.

Either use the PayPal button right, e-transfer your contribution to climbers@quadraisland.ca or purchase your bolts from MEC and ship your donation of 3 inch 3/8" stainless steel wedge bolts and/or hangers to: Quadra Climbers c/o PO Box 280 Quathiaski Cove BC V0P 1N0

- Thanks, see you at the crags!

Ask the locals questions & find out what's new at Quadra Climbers FaceBook Group>


Mail order your copy today or ask for Quadra Island Rock Climbs published by Wild Isle at your local outdoor retailer or look for it on Quadra Island at Book Bonanza in Quathiaski Cove, at Tidelines gift shop at the Heriot Bay Inn or the Yak Shack in Heriot Bay.


Rock climbing on Chinese Mountains Quadra Island, BC
Photo: A Dream of Wild Onions, Sunset Slab.

Ask the locals questions and find out what's new at our
Quadra Climbers FaceBook Group>


Mail order your copy today or ask for Quadra Island Rock Climbs published by Wild Isle at your local outdoor retailer or look for it on Quadra Island at Book Bonanza in Quathiaski Cove or at the Yak Shack in Heriot Bay.

Kayak with Killer Whales
Spirit of the West Adventures
Discovery Islands Lodge sea kayaking tours and accommodation
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